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Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

*** IMPORTANT NOTE *** (Read Here First)

This webpage is for people who are struggling with a mental or physical illness and are getting no positive results from their doctors and taking medications, hence they are looking for other ways to help themselves.


It is simple, the reason you are experiencing MS at the moment is either biological or mental.


Simply said Biological means, there is something wrong, somewhere in your body that is causing MS. If that is the case I recommend going through the biological approach below and making all the necessary adjustments to help yourself.


Mental on the other hand is when you have undertaken all the biological ways to help yourself including the medications but have not seen any improvement, have improved but come back to where you were before or only a bit of improvement.


If you ask me, I would say in 80% of occasions it is only mental reasons behind every illness, especially mental illness. And that is where mindset and beliefs come in. If you are in this category like most of us then your main focus should be on the mental approach.


In a lot of cases working on the biological approach at the same time as the mental approach can be very helpful and has positive impacts on the process of changing your mindset. Changing a mindset is not an easy task, but it is possible if you combine biological ways with a mental approach.


For me, without the help of St. John’s Wort herb, it was almost impossible to change my mindset. So if you are in the second category just like most of us, then it is best to take both biological and mental approaches at the same time for the most effective results.

Welcome to the ultimate MS solutions page! Get ready to uncover a treasure trove of valuable and practical tips to conquer multiple sclerosis (MS) like a boss.Here, you'll find an array of programs, methods, and products that are all about alternative medicine. Think of it as your secret weapon arsenal against MS!

My mission? To help you, yes YOU, experience a better and higher quality of life. We're talking about reducing those pesky symptoms to the minimum so you can savor the sweetness of a joyful life once again. So, buckle up and get ready to explore these incredible resources. Together, we'll kick MS to the curb and unlock a world of possibilities. Let's dive in and embrace the journey to a better you!


What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis or MS is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. It occurs when the immune system attacks the protective covering of nerve fibers, leading to communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body.

Symptoms can vary widely and may include fatigue, difficulty walking, numbness or weakness in limbs, pain, and problems with coordination and balance.

What are the symptoms of MS?

MS Symptoms

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex and variable disease, and its symptoms can vary widely from person to person. The symptoms of MS can also change over time. Some common symptoms of multiple sclerosis include:

  1. Fatigue: This is one of the most common and often debilitating symptoms of MS. It can be described as a profound lack of energy and can impact daily activities.

  2. Vision Problems: MS can affect the optic nerves, leading to blurred vision, double vision, or even temporary loss of vision.

  3. Numbness and Tingling: Many people with MS experience sensations of numbness, tingling, or pins and needles in various parts of the body.

  4. Muscle Weakness: Weakness in the limbs can occur, making it difficult to move or perform tasks.

  5. Coordination and Balance Issues: MS can affect the cerebellum, leading to problems with balance, coordination, and walking.

  6. Difficulty Walking: This can result from muscle weakness, balance problems, or numbness in the legs.

  7. Spasticity: Muscles may become stiff, making movement difficult and causing muscle spasms.

  8. Pain: MS-related pain can take different forms, such as stabbing, burning, or aching sensations.

  9. Cognitive Changes: Some people with MS experience cognitive difficulties, including problems with memory, concentration, and problem-solving.

  10. Bladder and Bowel Issues: MS can affect nerve signals that control these functions, leading to issues like frequent urination, difficulty urinating, or constipation.

  11. Emotional Changes: Depression, anxiety, and mood swings are not uncommon in people with MS.

  12. Speech and Swallowing Problems: MS can affect the muscles and nerves responsible for speech and swallowing

It's important to note that not everyone with MS will experience all of these symptoms, and the severity of symptoms can vary. Additionally, these symptoms can be caused by other conditions as well

What are the causes of MS?

The exact cause of multiple sclerosis (MS) is not fully understood, but it is believed to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Here are some key factors that are thought to contribute to the development of MS:

  1. Autoimmune Response: MS is considered an autoimmune disease, which means the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissues. In the case of MS, the immune system attacks the protective covering of nerve fibers called myelin. This leads to inflammation and damage to the nerves.

  2. Genetics: There appears to be a genetic component to MS. While it's not directly inherited, having a close family member with MS increases the risk of developing the condition. Certain genes have been associated with a higher susceptibility to MS, but having these genes does not guarantee that someone will develop the disease.

  3. Environmental Triggers: Various environmental factors are believed to play a role in triggering MS in genetically susceptible individuals. These factors include viral infections (such as Epstein-Barr virus), vitamin D deficiency, smoking, and exposure to certain toxins.

  4. Vitamin D: Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to an increased risk of developing MS. Vitamin D is thought to play a role in regulating the immune system and maintaining the health of nerve cells.

  5. Infections: Some viral infections, particularly Epstein-Barr virus, have been associated with an increased risk of developing MS. It's thought that these infections could trigger an abnormal immune response that contributes to the development of the disease.

  6. Smoking: Smoking has been identified as a risk factor for MS. It may contribute to inflammation and immune system dysfunction, increasing the likelihood of developing the disease.

  7. Geography: MS is more common in certain geographic regions, particularly those farther from the equator. This has led to speculation that factors such as reduced sunlight and lower vitamin D levels could be contributing to the higher prevalence of MS in these areas.

It's important to note that while these factors are believed to contribute to the development of MS, they do not act in isolation. The interplay between genetics, environmental factors, and the immune system likely plays a complex role in the onset of the disease. Research into the causes of MS is ongoing, and our understanding of the disease continues to evolve.

What happens in the body of a person with MS?

In multiple sclerosis (MS), the immune system mistakenly attacks the central nervous system (which includes the brain and spinal cord), leading to a range of symptoms.


The key factor underlying these symptoms is damage to the protective covering of nerve fibers called myelin, which disrupts the normal communication between nerve cells.

This damage can occur in different areas of the central nervous system, leading to a variety of symptoms based on the affected regions. Here's a breakdown of what happens in the mind and body of a person with MS that causes the symptoms:

  1. Inflammation and Demyelination: Immune cells, including T cells and B cells, infiltrate the central nervous system and trigger inflammation. This immune response leads to the destruction of myelin, a process known as demyelination. Myelin is crucial for the efficient transmission of electrical signals between nerve cells. When myelin is damaged, nerve signals can be slowed or blocked, leading to various neurological symptoms.

  2. Disrupted Nerve Signal Transmission: Nerve cells, also called neurons, communicate with each other and with muscles through electrical signals. These signals travel along the nerve fibers. In MS, the demyelination disrupts the smooth conduction of these signals. As a result, messages from the brain to different parts of the body are delayed, distorted, or blocked.

  3. Lesions and Scarring: As the immune response continues and myelin is damaged, areas of inflammation and scarring, known as lesions or plaques, can form in the central nervous system. These lesions can be seen on imaging tests such as MRI. The location and extent of these lesions determine the specific symptoms experienced by an individual.

  4. Neurological Symptoms: The symptoms of MS depend on which areas of the central nervous system are affected. For example:

    • Vision Problems: Damage to the optic nerves can lead to blurred vision, double vision, or loss of vision.

    • Muscle Weakness and Coordination Issues: Lesions in the brain and spinal cord can affect the signals controlling muscle movement, leading to weakness, tremors, and coordination difficulties.

    • Numbness and Tingling: Demyelination can disrupt sensory signals, causing sensations of numbness, tingling, or burning.

    • Cognitive and Emotional Changes: Lesions in areas responsible for cognitive functions can lead to memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and mood changes.

    • Fatigue: The inflammatory process and disrupted nerve signals can contribute to extreme fatigue.


It's important to note that MS symptoms can vary widely among individuals and can change over time. Some people may experience mild symptoms, while others may have more severe and debilitating effects. Additionally, the body has some capacity to repair damaged myelin, which can lead to periods of improvement or remission in symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, the brain's ability to compensate becomes more limited.

What are the triggers of MS symptoms?

MS Triggers

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) can vary widely from person to person and can be triggered or exacerbated by various factors. While it's important to note that individual experiences may differ, here are some common triggers or factors that can worsen MS symptoms:


  1. Stress: Emotional or physical stress can lead to the worsening of MS symptoms or the onset of new symptoms. Stress may trigger inflammatory responses in the body, which can exacerbate the underlying immune system dysfunction in MS.

  2. Infections: Viral infections, particularly the Epstein-Barr virus, have been linked to an increased risk of developing MS and can also trigger MS relapses or worsen symptoms. Infections can stimulate the immune system and lead to increased inflammation.

  3. Fatigue: Fatigue is a common symptom of MS, and factors such as lack of sleep, physical exertion, and mental strain can worsen fatigue and other symptoms.

  4. Heat: Elevated body temperature, whether from hot weather, hot baths, saunas, or fever, can temporarily worsen MS symptoms. This is known as the "Uhthoff's phenomenon." Cooling strategies, such as air conditioning or cooling vests, can help alleviate this trigger.

  5. Overexertion: Physical overexertion or excessive activity can lead to increased fatigue and exacerbate muscle weakness and coordination issues.

  6. Medication Changes: Certain medications, including steroids used to manage MS flares, can affect the body's immune response and potentially worsen symptoms.

  7. Smoking: Smoking has been associated with a higher risk of developing MS and can also contribute to disease progression and increased symptom severity.

  8. Lack of Sleep: Poor sleep quality or insufficient sleep can worsen fatigue and overall well-being in people with MS.

  9. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those that occur during menstruation or pregnancy, can influence MS symptoms.

  10. Vitamin D Deficiency: Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to an increased risk of developing MS and can also impact symptom severity. Vitamin D plays a role in immune system regulation.

  11. Diet and Nutrition: Although the direct impact of diet on MS is not fully understood, a healthy diet rich in nutrients can support overall well-being and potentially help manage symptoms.

  12. Dehydration: Inadequate fluid intake can lead to fatigue and worsen other symptoms. Proper hydration is important for maintaining overall health.

It's important to remember that not everyone with MS will be affected by the same triggers, and some individuals may not experience significant exacerbation of symptoms from these factors. Additionally, individual responses to triggers can vary. People with MS often learn to identify their personal triggers and develop strategies to manage and mitigate their impact on symptoms.

what is the role of a healthy diet in controlling MS symptoms?

Healthy Diet for MS

While there is no specific diet that can cure or completely control multiple sclerosis (MS), maintaining a healthy diet can play a supportive role in managing symptoms and overall well-being for people with MS. A balanced and nutritious diet can help support the body's immune system, energy levels, and overall health. Here's how a healthy diet can potentially impact MS symptoms:

  1. Supporting Immune Function: A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids can help support a healthy immune system. This may contribute to better immune system regulation and potentially reduce the risk of excessive immune responses that contribute to inflammation in MS.

  2. Managing Inflammation: Some nutrients, such as antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables, have anti-inflammatory properties. A diet high in these foods may help manage inflammation in the body, which can play a role in MS symptom progression.

  3. Energy Levels: MS-related fatigue is a common symptom. Eating a well-balanced diet that provides sufficient energy can help manage fatigue and support daily activities.

  4. Bone Health: People with MS are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis, so consuming foods rich in calcium and vitamin D is important for maintaining bone health.

  5. Gut Health: Emerging research suggests a potential link between gut health and autoimmune conditions, including MS. A diet that supports a healthy gut microbiome (the community of microorganisms in the digestive tract) may have positive effects on immune regulation and inflammation.

  6. Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and can help manage symptoms related to mobility and fatigue.

  7. Vitamin D: Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of MS and can potentially worsen symptoms. Consuming foods fortified with vitamin D and getting safe sun exposure can help maintain adequate levels of this important nutrient.

It's important to note that while a healthy diet can have positive effects, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and individual responses to dietary changes can vary. Some people with MS may find certain dietary modifications helpful, while others may not experience significant changes in their symptoms.

Before making any major dietary changes, it's advisable for individuals with MS to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian who has experience working with people with neurological conditions. They can provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on the individual's health status, nutritional needs, and specific MS symptoms. Additionally, any dietary changes should be made in conjunction with other medical treatments prescribed by a healthcare professional.

I highly recommend to avoid foods that contain additives, colorings, preservatives, fast foods, and added sugars. Here is why:

  1. Minimizing Additives and Preservatives: Additives and preservatives are often used in processed foods to enhance flavor, texture, and shelf life. However, some individuals may be sensitive to certain additives, and some research suggests that excessive consumption of certain additives may be linked to adverse health effects. Opting for whole foods and cooking from scratch can help reduce exposure to these additives.

  2. Avoiding Artificial Colorings: Artificial colorings are used to make foods more visually appealing. Some people may experience adverse reactions to certain artificial colorings. Choosing foods without artificial colorings may be a consideration for those who are sensitive to them.

  3. Limiting Processed Foods: Highly processed foods often contain unhealthy fats, excessive sodium, and added sugars. These foods may contribute to weight gain, inflammation, and other health issues. Focusing on whole, unprocessed foods can help provide a more nutrient-dense and balanced diet.

  4. Reducing Added Sugars: High sugar intake is associated with various health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Cutting back on added sugars, especially from sources like sugary beverages and sweets, can have positive impacts on overall health.

  5. Avoiding Fast Foods: Fast foods are typically high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and calories while lacking essential nutrients. Regular consumption of fast foods can contribute to weight gain and other health issues. Opting for homemade meals with whole ingredients can be a healthier choice.

How sensitivities and allergies can worsen MS symptoms?

Food sensitivities and MS

The relationship between food sensitivities, allergies, and multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms is a complex and evolving area of research.

While there is no definitive evidence that specific foods or allergies directly cause or cure MS, some individuals with MS have reported that certain dietary changes or the management of allergies and sensitivities have had an impact on their symptoms. However, it's important to note that individual responses can vary widely.

Here are some ways in which food sensitivities and allergies might potentially affect MS symptoms:

  1. Inflammation: Some food sensitivities or allergies may trigger an immune response and contribute to inflammation. Inflammation is a key component of MS, and it can worsen symptoms. Avoiding foods that trigger an inflammatory response could potentially help manage symptoms for some individuals.

  2. Gut Health: Emerging research suggests a link between gut health and autoimmune conditions like MS. Food sensitivities and allergies could potentially influence gut health, which in turn might affect immune system regulation and inflammation. Improving gut health through dietary modifications could have an impact on MS symptoms.

  3. Symptom Exacerbation: Certain foods or allergens might trigger an exacerbation or worsening of MS symptoms in some individuals. For example, allergic reactions can cause stress on the body and potentially lead to a temporary increase in symptoms.

  4. Energy Levels and Well-being: Managing food sensitivities and allergies can improve overall well-being and energy levels. This, in turn, could indirectly have a positive impact on MS symptoms and quality of life.

  5. Vitamin and Nutrient Deficiencies: If someone with MS has sensitivities or allergies that lead to a restricted diet, they might be at risk of nutrient deficiencies. Nutrient deficiencies can potentially impact overall health and exacerbate MS symptoms.

It's important to approach the relationship between food sensitivities, allergies, and MS symptoms with caution:

  • Individual Variation: What works for one person may not work for another. Some individuals with MS might experience symptom relief through dietary changes, while others may not notice any significant impact.

  • Consulting Healthcare Professionals: Before making major dietary changes, especially if you have MS, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian who has experience with neurological conditions. They can provide personalized guidance and help you make informed decisions.

  • In general, it is highly advisable to identify any food or material sensitivities you may have and take steps to avoid them. If you need to eliminate certain foods from your diet due to sensitivities, it's crucial to ensure that you replace them with alternative foods that provide similar nutrients but do not trigger sensitivities. Sensitivities can be identified through a simple blood test.

Sports and exercises that help with MS symptoms

Excersices that helps S

Engaging in regular physical activity and sports can have various benefits for individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). Exercise and movement can help improve overall health, maintain mobility, manage specific symptoms, and enhance well-being. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, as the appropriateness of certain activities can vary based on an individual's specific MS symptoms and condition.

Here are some types of sports and physical activities that may be beneficial for relieving MS symptoms:

  1. Swimming: Swimming and water aerobics provide a low-impact workout that can help improve cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility. The buoyancy of water reduces impact on joints and can help individuals with mobility challenges.

  2. Yoga: Yoga emphasizes flexibility, balance, and relaxation. It can help improve muscle strength, posture, and mental well-being. Adaptive yoga classes are often available for people with mobility limitations.

  3. Tai Chi: Tai Chi combines slow, flowing movements with deep breathing and meditation. It can improve balance, coordination, and relaxation, which are important for individuals with MS.

  4. Cycling: Stationary or outdoor cycling can help improve cardiovascular health and leg strength. Adaptive cycling options are available for individuals with balance or mobility issues.

  5. Pilates: Pilates focuses on core strength, flexibility, and body awareness. It can help improve posture and muscle stability.

  6. Strength Training: Resistance exercises using weights or resistance bands can help build muscle strength and maintain bone health. A strong musculoskeletal system can support overall mobility.

  7. Walking: Walking is a simple and effective form of exercise that can be adapted to different fitness levels. It promotes cardiovascular health and can be done outdoors or on a treadmill.

  8. Dancing: Dance classes or routines can provide cardiovascular exercise, improve coordination, and boost mood. Adaptations can be made for individuals with mobility challenges.

  9. Adaptive Sports: Depending on individual abilities, adaptive sports like wheelchair basketball, seated aerobics, or adaptive skiing can provide both physical activity and a sense of accomplishment.

  10. Stretching and Flexibility Exercises: Gentle stretching routines can help improve flexibility, reduce muscle tightness, and promote relaxation.

Remember that the intensity and type of exercise should be tailored to an individual's abilities and comfort level. Regular physical activity, combined with a balanced diet and appropriate medical management, can contribute to a healthier lifestyle and potentially help manage certain MS symptoms.

Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting a new exercise program, and consider working with a physical therapist or fitness professional who has experience with MS to develop a safe and effective routine.

Alternative Medicine recommendations that could help with MS symptoms

Nano Tech Patch

taopatch start

Taopatch Start is a class 1 medical device created using nanotechnology. This wearable patch is the size of a penny that includes 2 layers of nanocrystals, generating 190 therapeutic signals to your central nervous system (CNS). Due to the different lifestyle we have now compare to what we should have had, and the fact that we spend most of our time indoor behind the desks, lack of physical exercise and being in direct contact with chemical and electromagnetic pollution, makes our nervous system to be out of balance which leads to chronic pain, bad posture, poor quality sleep, mental health issues and much more. Taopatch will help your body to get back to balance and has so much benefits for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson, Fibromyalgia and other neurological conditions. It has proven to help to Improves muscle control and performance, boosts immunity, relieves pain and fatigue, Improving posture, balance and flexibility, boosting athletic performance and focus, and reducing stress, anxiety and chronic pain. The benefits can be achieved by using different protocols of Taopatch. Taopatch make the benefits possible by using a low-level laser light therapy to improve the connection between your central nervous system and your spine and muscles, and improve the health of your body's neurons.​ It uses your natural body heat as its power source with the help of nanotechnology. Taopatch uses nanotechnology-driven low-level laser light therapy, inspired by principles of acupuncture and is Non-intrusive and non-transdermal, i.e. no medication and no side effects Currently Taopatch is the only technology that has been shown to slow down neurodegeneration, as well as improving the condition of people with Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson. Each Package of Taopatch contains 3 patches to be used simultaneously. Patches are powered by your body’s natural heat and work for at least two years. Endorsed by 350,000 users, 2,200 physicians, and at least 16 clinical studies. Includes easy and complete instructions for use. Free shipping in the US and at cost internationally. 100% Money Back Guarantee Risk-Free Trial for 90 Days. If you don’t feel the difference within 90 days send it back for a full refund.

taopatch pro

Taopatch PRO is a class 1 medical device created using nanotechnology. This wearable patch is the size of a penny that includes 4 layers of nanocrystals, generating 350 therapeutic signals to your central nervous system (CNS). This version of Taopatch is more powerful than the original Start. Due to the different lifestyle we have now compare to what we should have had, and the fact that we spend most of our time indoor behind the desks, lack of physical exercise and being in direct contact with chemical and electromagnetic pollution, makes our nervous system to be out of balance which leads to chronic pain, bad posture, poor quality sleep, mental health issues and much more. Taopatch will help your body to get back to balance and has so much benefits for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson, Fibromyalgia and other neurological conditions. It has proven to help to Improves muscle control and performance, boosts immunity, relieves pain and fatigue, Improving posture, balance and flexibility, boosting athletic performance and focus, and reducing stress, anxiety and chronic pain. The benefits can be achieved by using different protocols of Taopatch. Taopatch make the benefits possible by using a low-level laser light therapy to improve the connection between your central nervous system and your spine and muscles, and improve the health of your body's neurons.​ It uses your natural body heat as its power source with the help of nanotechnology. Taopatch uses nanotechnology-driven low-level laser light therapy, inspired by principles of acupuncture and is Non-intrusive and non-transdermal, i.e. no medication and no side effects Currently Taopatch is the only technology that has been shown to slow down neurodegeneration, as well as improving the condition of people with Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson. Each Package of Taopatch contains 3 patches to be used simultaneously. Patches are powered by your body’s natural heat and work for at least two years. Endorsed by 350,000 users, 2,200 physicians, and at least 16 clinical studies. Includes easy and complete instructions for use. Free shipping in the US and at cost internationally. 100% Money Back Guarantee Risk-Free Trial for 90 Days. If you don’t feel the difference within 90 days send it back for a full refund.


Taopatch Platinum is the premium version of all Taopatch. With 7 layers of nanocrystals generating 650 therapeutic signals to your central nervous system (CNS) that leads to more, deeper long term benefits to the nervous system. This makes the Platinum the most powerful version of Taopatch. Due to the different lifestyle we have now compare to what we should have had, and the fact that we spend most of our time indoor behind the desks, lack of physical exercise and being in direct contact with chemical and electromagnetic pollution, makes our nervous system to be out of balance which leads to chronic pain, bad posture, poor quality sleep, mental health issues and much more. Taopatch will help your body to get back to balance and has so much benefits for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson, Fibromyalgia and other neurological conditions. It has proven to help to Improves muscle control and performance, boosts immunity, relieves pain and fatigue, Improving posture, balance and flexibility, boosting athletic performance and focus, and reducing stress, anxiety and chronic pain. The benefits can be achieved by using different protocols of Taopatch. Taopatch make the benefits possible by using a low-level laser light therapy to improve the connection between your central nervous system and your spine and muscles, and improve the health of your body's neurons.​ It uses your natural body heat as its power source with the help of nanotechnology. Taopatch uses nanotechnology-driven low-level laser light therapy, inspired by principles of acupuncture and is Non-intrusive and non-transdermal, i.e. no medication and no side effects Currently Taopatch is the only technology that has been shown to slow down neurodegeneration, as well as improving the condition of people with Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson. Each Package of Taopatch contains 3 patches to be used simultaneously. Patches are powered by your body’s natural heat and work for at least two years. Endorsed by 350,000 users, 2,200 physicians, and at least 16 clinical studies. Includes easy and complete instructions for use. Free shipping in the US and at cost internationally. 100% Money Back Guarantee Risk-Free Trial for 90 Days. If you don’t feel the difference within 90 days send it back for a full refund.

Herbal Supplements

Certain herbs and plant-based supplements are believed to have potential benefits for MS symptoms. Examples include ginkgo biloba for cognitive function and turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties. However, the safety and efficacy of herbal supplements can vary, and interactions with other medications should be considered.

Ginkgo Biloba Supplement for MS

Ginkgo biloba is indeed a herbal supplement that has been traditionally used to support cognitive function, memory, and mental sharpness. It is believed to have neuroprotective properties and may improve blood circulation in the brain, which could potentially enhance cognitive performance. For quite some time, Ginkgo biloba has been suggested as a means to enhance memory and boost mental alertness. Consequently, some believe that it could potentially aid in reducing attention deficiency due to its capacity to enhance mental sharpness.

Turmeric Supplement for MS

Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which has been studied for its potential anti-inflammatory effects. Curcumin is believed to inhibit certain inflammatory pathways in the body, reducing the production of inflammatory molecules. This action can help alleviate inflammation and its associated symptoms. Reducing Neuroinflammation: In MS, the immune system attacks the central nervous system, leading to inflammation and damage to nerve fibers. Curcumin's anti-inflammatory properties may help modulate this neuroinflammation, potentially slowing down the progression of the disease and reducing the severity of symptoms. Managing Relapses: MS is characterized by relapses or flare-ups of symptoms followed by periods of remission. Curcumin's anti-inflammatory effects might help manage relapses by dampening the immune response that triggers these episodes. Pain Relief: Some people with MS experience pain due to nerve damage and inflammation. Curcumin's potential to reduce inflammation could contribute to pain relief for those experiencing MS-related discomfort. Enhancing Overall Well-Being: Chronic inflammation in MS can contribute to fatigue, mood disturbances, and other symptoms that impact quality of life. Curcumin's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties might contribute to improved overall well-being by addressing these symptoms. Supporting Immune Function: Curcumin's immune-modulating effects might help regulate the immune response in individuals with MS, potentially preventing excessive immune activity that damages nerve cells.

St johns wort Supplement for MS

Mood Improvement: St. John's Wort is primarily known for its potential to alleviate symptoms of mild to moderate depression. Since depression and emotional distress are common in people with chronic conditions like MS, it may help improve mood and quality of life for some individuals. Better emotional well-being can positively affect how you cope with MS-related challenges. Nerve-Related Benefits: St. John's Wort contains compounds that might have neuroprotective properties. This is relevant to MS because it's a disease that damages the nervous system. While the evidence is limited, some studies suggest that St. John's Wort may have a positive impact on nerve health, potentially helping to mitigate some neurological symptoms associated with MS. Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects: St. John's Wort contains compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties might be beneficial in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, which are known to play a role in the progression of MS and its symptoms.

Dietary Supplements

Nutritional supplements such as vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants are sometimes used by individuals with MS to support immune function and overall health.

Vitamin D3 Supplement for MS

Vitamin D is believed to play a role in multiple sclerosis (MS) due to its effects on the immune system and its potential to influence the disease's progression and symptom management. While the relationship between vitamin D and MS is complex and not fully understood, here's how vitamin D might help with MS symptoms: Immune System Regulation: Vitamin D is known to modulate the immune system, helping to balance its responses. In MS, the immune system mistakenly attacks the protective myelin sheath around nerve fibers. Vitamin D might help regulate immune cell activity, potentially reducing the immune system's harmful attacks on nerve cells. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties that may help counteract the inflammation associated with MS. This could potentially contribute to reducing the severity of relapses and slowing down disease progression. Neuroprotection: Some research suggests that vitamin D might have neuroprotective effects, helping to preserve nerve cells and maintain their function. This could potentially reduce the damage caused by MS-related inflammation and immune activity. Mood and Well-Being: Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to mood disturbances and depression. Given that MS can impact mental well-being, maintaining adequate vitamin D levels might help support emotional health in individuals with MS. Bone Health: MS, particularly if accompanied by reduced mobility, can lead to bone health issues. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and bone health, so maintaining adequate levels can contribute to overall bone health in individuals with MS. It's important to note that while there's evidence suggesting a potential link between vitamin D and MS, the exact mechanisms and optimal vitamin D levels for managing MS are still being studied. Additionally, not all studies have shown consistent benefits, and vitamin D is just one factor among many that influence MS. If you have MS or are concerned about its management, it's recommended to work with a healthcare provider. They can assess your vitamin D levels, recommend appropriate supplementation if necessary, and provide guidance on how to incorporate vitamin D as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. It's important to avoid excessive supplementation, as very high doses of vitamin D can have adverse effects.

Omega 3 Supplement for MS

Omega-3 fatty acids hold exciting potential for individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) due to their numerous health benefits. Natural Anti-Inflammatory Power: Omega-3 fatty acids, readily available in delicious foods like salmon, mackerel, and walnuts, are nature's anti-inflammatory agents. They have the incredible ability to reduce inflammation, which is a key driver of MS symptoms. By incorporating these fatty acids into your diet, you can potentially help quell the inflammatory responses that exacerbate your condition. Guardians of Nerve Health: Research suggests that omega-3s, particularly EPA and DHA, act as guardians of your nerve cells. They may slow down the progression of MS and help protect your precious nerve fibers from damage. This means that, over time, you could experience more stable and less severe symptoms. Cognitive Empowerment: Cognitive function can be affected by MS, but omega-3s might come to the rescue. These fatty acids have been linked to improved brain health and enhanced cognitive abilities. By incorporating them into your diet, you can potentially regain some of the mental sharpness that MS may have taken from you. Banishing the Fatigue: One of the most frustrating symptoms of MS is fatigue. Omega-3 supplements have shown promise in boosting energy levels and banishing that constant tiredness. This means you can enjoy a more active and fulfilling life, with more vitality and less exhaustion. Lifting Your Spirits: MS can take a toll on your emotional well-being, leading to mood disturbances and depression. But here's the good news: omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to better mental health. By supporting your mood and potentially reducing the risk of depression, they can help you maintain a positive outlook on life, even in the face of MS challenges. While the potential benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are compelling, it's important to remember that they should complement, not replace, the established treatments and therapies recommended by your healthcare professional. Your journey to managing MS should be a holistic one, and omega-3s can be a valuable addition to your arsenal.

Antioxidants Supplement for MS

Antioxidant supplements have the potential to be a valuable addition to your multiple sclerosis (MS) management plan, offering hope and support in your journey to better health. Here's why you should consider antioxidants Supplements: Protecting Your Nervous System: Antioxidants act as guardians of your nervous system. By reducing oxidative stress and neutralizing harmful free radicals, they can help shield your precious nerve cells from further damage. This means a brighter future with potentially less disability and a higher quality of life. Fighting Inflammation: Inflammation is a relentless foe in the battle against MS. Antioxidants are like your trusted allies in this fight, as they possess anti-inflammatory properties. By reducing inflammation, you can gain more control over your symptoms and potentially slow down the progression of the disease. Immune System Harmony: The overactive immune system in MS is like a turbulent sea, but antioxidants can help calm the waves. They have the potential to modulate immune responses, directing them away from the myelin sheath. This means fewer attacks on your own body and more protection for your nerves. Preserving Your Nerve Cells: Antioxidants, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and polyphenols, act as knights in shining armor for your nerve cells. They offer a shield of neuroprotection, preserving your neurological function and potentially leading to a brighter future with less disability. Banishing Symptoms: The daily struggles of fatigue, cognitive difficulties, and muscle spasms can be disheartening. But antioxidants can be your secret weapon in managing these symptoms. For instance, vitamin D, a powerful antioxidant, may help you conquer fatigue and regain vitality. While the journey with MS may have its challenges, antioxidants can be the beacon of hope on your path to a healthier, more vibrant life. Remember that they are not a stand-alone solution but a valuable part of your comprehensive MS management plan, working hand-in-hand with conventional treatments, physical therapy, and lifestyle adjustments.


Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow. Some people use acupuncture to manage pain, fatigue, and stress associated with MS

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic adjustments aim to improve spinal alignment and nervous system function. Some people with MS seek chiropractic care to manage musculoskeletal issues and improve overall well-being.

Massage Therapy

Massage can help alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. It may offer temporary relief from symptoms such as muscle spasms and pain.

Yoga and Tai Chi

These mind-body practices focus on movement, breathing, and relaxation. They can enhance flexibility, balance, and overall well-being.


Homeopathic treatments involve highly diluted substances that are believed to stimulate the body's healing response. However, scientific evidence supporting homeopathy's efficacy for MS is limited.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils to promote relaxation and well-being. Some people find it helpful for managing stress and improving mood.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

HBOT involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber. It's sometimes explored for its potential to reduce inflammation and improve symptoms in MS, but its effectiveness is debated.


What do I exactly mean by Mental approach?

Mental Approach for MS

In this category, we have 2 sides. One is the appearance that shows itself in the form of symptoms. and the other is the root which is almost always hidden as it is coming from a part of your mind that is not easily accessible, called the subconscious mind.

The subconscious part of your mind forms 90% of your mind. This is the part where all the mindsets and beliefs are gathered. The root cause of MS is in the mindset. You change your mindset regarding MS you solved the root cause So that means NO nasty Symptoms. and eventually No MS!!!! Is this a surprise for you? Well, that is the secret and the reality that no doctors will tell you. But I will tell you. why? because I was a victim of 4 mental illnesses myself. and I don't want anyone else to be a victim anymore. that's why I am here. and this is my mission.


There are different ways to change your mindset which I am going to list down here. Try them one by one and then choose the ones that really resonate with you, and practice them daily together with the biological approach.

Before going ahead with the techniques, you should first identify the root cause of MS for you. We know that the cause is in the mind, but what are the mindsets that are causing MS symptoms?

To answer this you should first know how a mindset is created in the first place. 99% of our mindset and beliefs form by the age of 7. and after that, it just repeats itself and becomes stronger and stronger.

The role of mind in the first 7 years of your life as a kid is just and only to survive. The mind's main role is to protect the 7-year-old kid just to survive. So it is just so wise and normal to pick the specific beliefs that protect you at that time but (and that is a BIG BUT) the belief does not necessarily serve you when you become an adult, and that will cause you discomfort and illnesses like MS.


I give you an example: Imagine a 3-year-old kid who for the first time wants to experience playing with a cat. In the very first experience, the cat scratches her face badly. what do you think the mind will do in this situation? Well, the answer is so simple it creates a fear of cats and never ever again lets the 3-year-old kid be around any cat.


When the kid is a young adult and up until the day he passes away he is going to avoid cats and scream when near one. When you ask them why you are afraid of cats. They simply go. I don't know!!!!

But you know now why a person could be afraid of cats or any other situations that do not serve them any more. Imagine the kid finding a job later on in a vet. Can you imagine what happens? this is one of the approaches the mind will pick and the other approach could be having an unconditional love for cats. like a crazy love. it could be 2 edges of a knife. 2 extreme approach by a mind. it depends on your mind on what way it chooses to go.


Also, the kid could be so protective about his face. so he is not going to be confident to put his face up for a kiss or anything that comes in very close contact with his face, just like the claw of a cat. and you can imagine the poor kid has issues in his romantic life. I gave you a picture. Now you can vast this to every extreme fear or liking you may have. 


In the case of MS, it is nothing different than this example. It is the same concept but in a different way. Your mind is a complex yet powerful machine that can do anything. Sometimes the wound is so deep and painful for the person that the subconscious mind puts it very very deep in the memory that you can not even remember it. so you might not know what are the reasons.

If you do know the traumatic experience that leads to MS, then you are one step ahead and you can use the following techniques to work on them but if you don't know the reasons you might first want to identify them. As I said sometimes it is very painful that the mind does not let you yo identify them, well the mind still wants to protect you. but in his way that is not simply working for you anymore.

To identify the root cause first thing you must do is to separate yourself from your thoughts and that is the reason the first practice on the list is meditation. Daily meditation will provide the space for your mind to feel safe to tell you the root cause. More will be explained below.

Also, you should know that one of the biggest beliefs that most people have is not loving themselves enough. You might say oh no I love myself, but the fact is that you don't. A lot of illnesses especially the mental one including MS come from me not loving myself enough. I don't like my body, my weight, my nose my something. There is always something about you that you don't like and don't appreciate.

If you still don't know the root cause or the mindset of your MS, then Self-love is a really good starting point as you start to work on loving yourself more using the techniques below you will see the changes coming and the other mindsets start to show themselves. And then again use the following techniques to work on healing the mindsets that are showing up.

Working on this approach along with the biological approach will heal your MS. You become your healer. You will soon be on a journey that changes your life drastically. This might be a journey to heal your MS but you are also starting a self-discovery journey. The final destination is going to be beautiful. Believe me, the roads might not be so pleasant but the destination is love, light and peace.


Meditation and Mindfulness practices involve being fully present in the moment and cultivating awareness. Meditation and mindfulness exercises can help improve attention, concentration, and emotional regulation.

Your first practice would be daily meditation for at least 15 minutes. First, your mind should have resistance to it, but being persistent will eventually wave away the resistance. If it is so hard for the mind, start with 5 mins and gradually increase it.


I know there are various types of meditation out there, but what you should do in your meditation is simply sit down and close your eyes, go to the meditation pose or however you feel comfortable being in, and then just be aware of your thoughts, start seeing your thoughts but don't identify yourself with them, just see them coming and going and gradually start to send them away from your space to the point that you sit in pure silence for 5 to 15 minutes or even more.


That my friend is a whole other experience as if it is on a different planet. The feeling of emptiness and nothingness is healing on its own. In this nothingness, there is no MS and no hardship. I don't say it's a really easy task to do but there is nothing you can't do. You are limitless. Believe in yourself and no matter how hard do it every day because that's the only way.


Writing or journaling is a really good technique too. I want you to pick up a pen/pencil and white paper or a notebook, and write this way. If you know the mindset that you want to work on then start by writing the positive way about it. For example, if the mindset is that you don't deserve to have a healthy body because of something that happened in your childhood, then write I deserve to have a healthy body.


Write one full A4 page using every empty space on the page. You should do this every day. then before going to bed, I want you to read loud what you have written I know it's going to be repetitive sentences but that is exactly the way to overwrite your mindset by repeating. and why I say do it before going to bed because that is the time you are going to the state of your mind called subconscious mind just before you fall into a deep sleep. So your mind works on the data during the night.

If you don't know the mindset yet then you can start by writing these sentences every day in the morning and reading them for yourself every night. Make sure you write them in the exact way I write it has to be in the present tense as If you have it right now. Don't include any negative wording. Example: don't write I don't have MS, instead write, I am in complete physical health.

1. It is completely safe for me to be in perfect health

2. It is completely safe for me to love myself

3. I am in complete physical health

4. I am in complete mental health

5. I am in complete emotional health

6. I love and accept myself

7. I love and accept my perfect body

8. I deserve the best

9. I am valuable

10. I Love myself

11. I thank god for creating me

12. I believe in myself

*. Be creative and use your own wordings just make sure it all must be in positive and in the present tense as if you already have them


Hypnosis/guided Meditation

The other practice for you would be hypnosis or guided meditation. With hypnosis, the words that you hear go straight to your subconscious mind. It is a very powerful technique to use. I highly recommend doing it before going to bed or the very first thing that you do after you wake up. When you wake up if it's necessary go to the toilet but after that do the guided meditation while still in bed. When you just wake up in the morning you are still in the phase of the subconscious mind and it's one of the best times for a hypnosis session.

Here are the hypnosis and guided meditation that I recommend for MS and any other mental illnesses as most of these have common root causes. Preferably do them in the order of numbers unless it says optional and you don't need to do it because you don't need it otherwise doing them in order will be more helpful.

1. Depression - (Optional) (Download HERE)

2. Stop Overwhelm (Download HERE)

3. Stop Procrastinating! (Download HERE)

4. Eliminating Anxiety (Download HERE)

5. Stress Less (Download HERE)

6. Energy Boost - (Optional) (Download HERE)

7. Washing Doubts Away (Download HERE)

8. Believing In Impossible Things (Download HERE)

9. I Take Care of My Body (Download HERE)

10. Feeling Grateful (Download HERE)

11. Always Feeling Guilty (Download HERE)

12. Unstoppable (Download HERE)

13. And, BTW, You Are Enough (Download HERE)

14. Happiness is Good for my Health (Download HERE)

15. I Stop Beating Myself Up (Download HERE)

16. It's Easy Reprogramming (Download HERE)

17. Keep Going (Download HERE)

18. I Don't Deserve it (Download HERE)

19. Putting Yourself First (Download HERE)

20. Regret (Download HERE)

21. Being Okay with Your Process (Download HERE)

22. Be Original! (Download HERE)

23. Black Sheep - (Optional) (Download HERE)

24. Can't do it all (Download HERE)

25. Washing Everything Away (Download HERE)

26. Change the Continuous Thoughts - (Optional) (Download HERE)

27. Pay Attention and Be Present Set - (Optional) (Download HERE)


I Am Sorry. Please Forgive Me. I Thank You. I Love You. This 4 powerful sentence is called Ho'oponopono. You can use this simple yet very powerful technique in 2 ways.


One is, whenever you experience any kind of resistance, sadness, overwhelming feeling or any other feelings that stop you from continuing with your healing process, I want you to close your eyes for a moment and 3 to 5 times say the above, but say it in a very concentrated way. Put all your focus on every word that you say. I AM SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU. 

The other way you can use it is by saying it 5 times in a focused way just like above but do it every 4 hours from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed.


EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is a therapeutic approach that combines elements of traditional talk therapy with acupressure. EFT involves tapping specific points on the body with your fingertips while focusing on and addressing emotional issues, traumas, or negative thought patterns. The goal of EFT is to alleviate emotional distress and promote overall well-being.

Again there are 2 ways you can use EFT, if you know the root cause and the mindset you may use your own wording in EFT. The way you should do EFT is better explained by someone who knows more than me by dedicating their life to EFT. Click HERE to learn more on how to do the EFT or Tapping from Brad Yates an expert in EFT for over 20 years .

The second way to use Tapping or EFT is just like Hypnosis by working on the main mindsets that people with MS require working on with the main one being self-love.

Here is the list of EFT I recommend for people with MS:

1. Brad Yates's YouTube channel has over 1000 videos which is definitely worth having a look at. It is all free. Here is the link: Brad Yates's YouTube Channel

2. Brad Yates has an audio course called "Thrive Best Life Audio Downloads" which you can download HERE

3. Some of you might want to have a private session with Brad which you can book HERE

4. He also has a very good course regarding money and the mindset behind it, if you fancy that one, you can download it HERE 

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