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Nature, A Walk With Our Natural Healer.

Have you ever stepped into a forest, plunged yourself into the sea or climbed to the top of a mountain and felt something so powerful you cannot describe it in words? Have you left nature feeling renewed, more connected or with new ideas to tackle the problems that felt so heavy just hours before? That is the magical healing properties, our divine Earth holds for us. Nature is a space full of unconditional love and healing energy, and best of all it is free. So why do we spend so much of our income looking for a medication to help us work through our anxiety or depression, when we have access to a free, side-effect free source of healing power?

Nature not only heals our mental and spiritual bodies, there is scientific proof that concludes it will also benefit our physical health. Many of us spend so much of our day sitting at a desk, looking at a screen and inside. This leads us to losing the vital connection, we were naturally gifted with, to nature. This can be known as the "Nature Deficit Disorder".

There is research to show spending time in nature, reduces stress levels, lowers our blood pressure, improves our oxygen intake and can also decrease pain levels. It is also a great way to boost your immune system. These are some of the few health benefits for our physical bodies regarding simply spending, as little as an hour a day in your local forest, or walking along the beach. Some of us may not have access to such, but there is always your back garden, or the local park. For all of these free health benefits there's simply no question, it is time to go find your local nature and embrace all these health benefits.

Nature is not only good for you physical health, the mental health benefits of a nice nature walk twice a week are incredible. Being in nature is a natural release of dopamine and serotonin levels to our brain. In todays society, we have become so used to picking up our phone and looking at a video on social media to get this release, but this is un-natural and actually leads naturally lower dopamine and even addictive feelings towards our screens. How amazing is it that there is a natural source of dopamine just outside your doorstep.

Nature is a powerful anti-depressant, leaving us with lower levels of stress and anxiety as well as reducing feelings of anger. While in nature, our thoughts are easier to process as there is a sense of calm around us, so it can be a great way to help work through some of those inner battles we are all going through. Even better, bring a friend or loved one and you guys can help each other work through it together. You may even find, your walks in your local forest will connect you to a new community of nature lovers, leading you to new friends.

Simply walking by a stranger enjoying their time in nature and smiling can be such a beautiful way of reducing your feelings of loneliness, in fact nature alone will reduce those feelings because suddenly you will start to realise how deeply connected we are to those trees you pass by everyday or to the birds that sing in the trees at dawn. Nature is an amazing way to improve your mental health, it will leave you with a greater connection to yourself and a deeper appreciation for life itself.

There is also the powerful spiritual benefits of forming a deeper connection with nature. I would even say that in nature, you find your spirit. Each place in Nature is a unique creation of life, the mountains, the forests, the ocean and all the flora and fauna that inhabit these areas are just majestic and so special. It reminds us of the creator(s) who gifted us with such an authentically beautiful world. When we spend time in nature more often, we begin to see ourselves as part of this creation, for we are nature and nature is us. The presence of life in nature is so magical and can awaken new life within us, that we have been conditioned to forget. Nature is not invented by humans, and so it is something more powerful that brought us all here, to be, together.

Nature invokes a state of inner-peace and calmness within us, leading to a more mindful approach. By being in nature, we become so focused on the beauty that surrounds us, that we suddenly find ourselves in a state of presence. To be present, is to be one with all. That is a powerful level of awareness to reach. It leads to a deep connection with life itself, and can trigger a great awakening towards new perspectives on your own life and the world around you. Nature is a powerful meditation tool, it brings you to a state of flow, just as she, with life. For being in nature makes you realise, there is nothing more to do than to be.

Nature gives us a fresh perspective on life. When life becomes overwhelming, as it does for us all, nature will bring you back to yourself. It can hep you to find the higher perspective on your current situations. There is a immensely creative energy within energy, as nature in constantly producing new life. This creative energy will pass energetically to your own vibrational frequency, giving you a heightened awareness and new ideas will naturally flow to you in this state. Nature reminds us that we are a part of something much greater than ourselves, we are part of a planet, a solar system, we are part of the universe. Remembering this can help us realise that our day to day struggles do not have to control our lives, that actually to simply be part of something so wonderful and greater than human life, is far more important.

"Nature is a healer,

Nature is my friend,

Nature is a home for all,

Nature never ends,

For we are all connected,

By the chords of Energy,

So let nature remind us,

For in love and light we be"

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